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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What is your best story of miscommunication?

Morning Devotional:

We can get motivated by some pretty silly things sometimes. Every year at Vacation Bible School, the kids have a giving goal. We pick a ministry, and they are supposed to bring in money or supplies, competing based on age. So, the little kids are competing with the older kids, and there are basically three groups. Usually, the youngest kids bring in the most stuff, I think it is honestly because they are the littlest, cutest, and most passionate, and what parent can resist those big eyes?

This year our organization was Operation Christmas Child, so they had to bring in all kinds of supplies. In addition to the motivation of giving gifts to kids all over the world, we had an added benefit that the group of kids that gave the most would get to throw the VBS director and the Pastor into a pit of snakes—which means they got to spray them with silly string. And that was actually a huge motivator. The kids brought in so much stuff, and the winning group only won by a small margin, so the decision was made to let everyone spray silly string. Talk about pandemonium. I’ll never forget it as they went whole hog. I bet our janitor will never forget it either.

It’s amazing to see how a little friendly competition can spark generosity and excitement in kids. What started as a simple fun incentive turned into an overflow of giving and joy. And isn’t that how God’s love should work in our lives? When we give, not out of obligation, but out of a joyful heart, we reflect the generosity that God has shown to us.

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” These kids gave cheerfully and with such enthusiasm that it became a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Let’s take a lesson from these young givers. May our acts of generosity be fueled not by what we might receive in return or by any external reward, but by a genuine love and desire to help others. The joy and laughter that filled the room during the silly string celebration was just a glimpse of the greater joy that comes from giving from the heart.


Bible Quiz:


What figure did Jesus use as a contrast to the humble tax collector?


A Pharisee Luke 18: 9-14

Storytime: He didn’t know what he was getting into.

Just one More Thing!

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