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Morning Devotional:

They say that the sense of smell is one of the strongest senses we have. My sense of smell was put to the test when I was outside enjoying the warm evening and was overcome by a smell that made me start to salivate. Meat on a grill!  A neighbor of mine was grilling and oh, did it smell good!  I couldn’t see the grill and had no idea where it was coming from, but all I knew was that I wanted some of that barbecued goodness.

It’s amazing how a smell can affect us. Certain scents can affect people with PTSD. I can still remember the smell of my late grandmother’s perfume. If a scent can hold that kind of power, think about what the apostle Paul writes to us in 2 Corinthians 2:15-17:  “We are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” We are to be the aroma of God, drawing others to know Him, just like the smell of a feast.

The redemptive work that God has done in us is very much the pleasing aroma that will lead others to want to know Him more. I pray that we are living in a way that draws people closer to Him.

– Beth

Burning Question:

Do you have a story about fairness?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What friend of Jesus was buried in a cave?

Answer:  Lazarus  (John 11:38)

Storytime: I’m driving a ticking Time Bomb!

Just One More Thing

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