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Morning Devotional:

I woke up knowing it was going to be a different and difficult day yesterday and it did not disappoint one bit. It was a long, tough day with lots of obstacles and uphill battles to face. It wasn’t the case for just me, either – I had several other people tell me yesterday was a rough day for them as well.  That’s why I wasn’t surprised when the storm cloud rolled over my place last night.

I was getting ready to turn in for the evening when I literally felt the air change around me. I glanced out the window to see the glowing sunshine to the southwest. That looked normal, but to the northwest?  A huge, dark wall cloud was coming toward my place and moving fast. Before I knew it, the wind picked up, big rain drops started to fall, the weather alerts went off on my phone and then the torrential downpour came. A quick glance at the severe thunderstorm warning flashing on my computer warned of quarter sized hail and that sent me into spiritual warfare mode. We need the rain but not the hail, Lord. This is enough, I said, and before I knew it, the storm was over. 

How do you handle storms when they come? I believe the way I got through yesterday was remembering that storms are always coming. We are told that in 1 Peter 4:12:  “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”  The reward for us comes afterward. God allows the storms to come because it is only through tests that we get stronger, and ultimately, that’s what I want.

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s National Cheer Up the Lonely Day.  Who cheered you up when you’re lonely?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Where did Jesus have a post-resurrection fish dinner with seven of His disciples?

Answer:  Lake Tiberias / Sea of Galilee  (John 21:1)

Storytime:  Mercy sat on me to keep me from leaving

Just one more thing

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