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Morning Devotional:

Do you enjoy being interrupted?  The other day I was struggling to get things done because I was consistently being pulled away from the task at hand. Ringing phones, text messages, the doorbell, constant noise, and a stream of people vying for my attention. I wondered why it had to be that way that day but yet, there was a part of me that said that the interruptions were by His design.

Why? Look at the life of Jesus.  He was constantly interrupted himself.  While speaking at a friend’s home, a group of people lowered a paralyzed man through the roof of a home to get the Lord’s attention. A woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of his robe and stopped him in His tracks.  Another woman interrupted a dinner party to anoint Jesus with fragrant perfume. Think of the people who sought out Jesus for healing, for restoration, for salvation and you will see that he embraced the interruptions.  Jesus was always, always accessible. In fact, He invites us to come to Him anytime, anywhere.  He will always receive us.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is one habit you would like to adopt, and how are you going to make it happen?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who carried a staff that was like a weaver’s beam?

Answer:  Goliath  (1 Samuel 17:7)

Storytime: School pickup is STRESSFUL!

Just one More Thing

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