Morning Devotional:
I love a good oxymoron.
An oxymoron is a set of two words that contradict each other and go together, and there are plenty of good ones out there. Have you ever ordered jumbo shrimp at a restaurant, or purchased a new antique? Perhaps you own something that is growing smaller or have been clearly confused about something. You get the idea.
I found myself both reeling and rejoicing in this contradiction from Psalm 116 yesterday afternoon when I learned a not so pleasant piece of news:
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” (Psalm 116:15)
Yesterday we here at the radio ministry learned about the passing of a dear friend. I was instantly saddened by the news but at the same time, I felt great joy. Our friend suffered from a host of medical issues throughout her life but yesterday, we knew she was with the Lord and finally pain free.
How can such a thing as death be precious? Our friend knew Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Her passing yesterday was into eternal life with Him where there is death, no sorrow, no crying, and definitely no more pain. That was God’s gift to her and can be to you one day as well, if you truly know Him.
– Beth
Burning Question:
What is something that everyone else has done but you have not?
Bible Quiz:
Question: What holy man was anointed by an immoral woman?
Answer: Jesus (Luke 7:37-38)
Storytime Kalvary is Alive!!!