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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What are you most thankful for in regard to your work?

Morning Devotional:

Has this ever been you?

You’re in a meeting and opinions are flying in all directions. The president of the company informs you the budget numbers aren’t adding up, and next year’s projections are not looking great. Demand for the company’s product is at an all-time high but your supply line is dried up. You can’t get your hands on the raw materials you need to operate on a day-to-day basis. Worse yet, your competitors are moving into town and taking over your territory like wildfire. Communication among the leadership has completely broken down and there you sit at the table with one thought on your mind – an idea that you know without a shadow of a doubt would solve the company’s problems.

Would you dare to share your idea or would you keep it to yourself?

If your company was a nation of Israelites, the company president was Moses, the executive leadership was a bunch of spies and your name was Caleb, you probably get where I’m going with this analogy. While ten of the twelve spies Moses sent into Canaan came back with less than stellar reports of what they discovered, only Caleb came back with a positive response. In Numbers 13:30, it says Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” 

Do you have that kind of faith and hope in God? I believe this line makes Caleb one of the most hope-filled people in all of God’s Word. He saw every single obstacle that could come up against his people and instead of backing down, Caleb confidently stated what he knew about his God. God is faithful and He will take care of His children. 

I also believe that hope is this hard to explain but yet undeniable notion that says today would be a really bad day to give up. It’s that thing that gets us to believe the difficulties just might work out after all because God is on the job. So I am going to dare you to have hope in Him today because with Him, anything is possible!

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What kind of plant sprang up miraculously to give shade to the prophet Jonah?

Answer:  A gourd, bush, leafy plant, tree, shrub, ivy, vine, broad leaf, the plant is not clearly specified.  (Jonah 4:6)

Storytime: Back to what Works!

Just one More Thing!

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