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Morning Devotional:

Our cooler weather had me digging through one of my closets to find my stash of blankets. In a plastic tote I found a cream colored crocheted afghan. I made it many years ago but this afghan had just one problem. I never finished it. I started the afghan when I was just learning how to crochet but I never learned how to complete the edging because I could never figure out how to create the required stitch. Frustrated, I stuffed the afghan in a bag and banished it to the closet where it has remained ever since, unfinished and unused. 

There are days when I feel unfinished and left on the shelf by God. In those moments I wonder what He has in store for me, what His next move is in my life and what He has for me to learn. I wonder if I will ever be “finished.” In reality, we don’t have to worry about that at all, because God’s promise to us about the matter is very clear. In Philippians 1:6, Paul says this: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

If you’re worrying about God finishing you, He will. That’s guaranteed.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What childhood game do you miss and what’s your story behind it?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What musician did Elisha call for when the kings of Judah, Edom and Israel asked him to ask the Lord for water?

Answer:  A harpist  (2 Kings 3:15)

Storytime: Don’t Touch Me!!!

Just One More Thing

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