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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What’s something you used to enjoy but have had to give up because it’s just too expensive now?

Morning Devotional:

A friend of mine’s brother passed away yesterday. His death was sudden and very unexpected, especially considering the story of his life. 

He was in his fifties, and was born with a number of medical challenges. He never married or had a family, and he lived in assisted living facilities or various homes where he could receive daily help for his needs. His family knew that his medical condition would ultimately lead to his passing but the cause of his death yesterday had nothing to do with those things. A freak accident would end his life here on earth – or should I say, usher him into the presence of God.

My friend and her family are mourning today but at the same time, they are rejoicing. Their beloved brother and son, who loved his nieces and nephews and junk food and football, also loved Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and his family knows that all of his struggles and troubles in this life are now over.

There are so many promises in the Word that speak of the hope of eternal life, of that day when there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. Those things will be gone for those of us who place our trust in Jesus Christ as Lord. You don’t know the day or the hour in which your time on earth is done. Do you know Jesus? If not, make Him your Lord today.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What prophet served his team of oxen to the guests at his ordination feast?

Answer:  Elisha  (1 Kings 19:21)

Storytime: Stacking the Odds in my own favor.

Just one More Thing!

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