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Morning Devotional:

A friend of mine once had a rough time with a piece of her jewelry. She lost the diamond in her wedding ring twice. The first time she lost it because a prong holding the diamond in place broke off, and the second time it was because of a less than stellar repair of said prong. 

The first time my friend’s diamond ring disappeared, she scoured her house looking for it and thankfully, it was found relatively quickly. The second time, though? She wasn’t as thrilled about taking on the search again, choosing instead to call the insurance company and start a claim. I thought to myself, if it were the diamond from my wedding ring, nothing would stop me from looking for it again because the one who loved me gave it to me. 

Before I knew Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was hopelessly lost. I was in the position of the prodigal, not realizing what I was missing by running away from my Father. It was only when I saw for myself that He gave everything to seek out and save the lost that His love for me was perfect, and that His love was waiting for me to receive it. 

In Luke 15, Jesus tells of rejoicing about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son that were found. There is great rejoicing in heaven when we are found as well. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is the oldest thing you own?

Bible Quiz:

Question:   Fill in the blank:  “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the ________________ endures forever.”

Answer:  “…but the word of our God endures forever.”  (Isaiah 40:8)

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