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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What was your favorite memory of your graduation?

Morning Devotional:

We’ve all been there. Right in the middle of something, plans perfectly laid out, and then – disruption. It could be a tornado warning, like the one that we had in our town a week or so ago. For me, it hit at 4:30, right as I was about to sear a pan for dinner. Sizzling anticipation turned to frantic scrambling.

Now, I’m no stranger to tornado warnings. Growing up in Ohio, they were a dime a dozen. But this one felt different. Maybe it was the timing, the helpless feeling of a meal on hold.

We all piled into the basement, a familiar routine, only to discover a glaring absence – my nine-year-old, Mercy. We’d completely forgotten she was playing next door. Should I call and risk her running through a storm? The answer, unsettling as it was, became clear: trust. Trust that our neighbors would take care of her, just like we’d take care of theirs in a heartbeat.

That afternoon, huddled together in the dim basement, I realized something profound. In the face of nature’s fury, we relinquish control. We can’t orchestrate every moment, safeguard everyone’s safety. There’s a power greater than ourselves at play.

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Conclusion: Life throws us curveballs, sometimes even tornadoes. But within the chaos, there’s also space for faith, for trust, and for the knowledge that we’re not alone. Let’s go forth, a little less in control, a little more open to the unexpected grace that surrounds us.


Bible Quiz:


What Woman, Long Barren, Gave Birth to Twins?


Rebekah, Genesis 25:21-26

Storytime: It didn’t go as planned.

Just one more thing!

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