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Morning Devotional:

Why do they keep doing that?” These were the words of a former coworker of mine, 10 years ago now, in response to a massive box of donuts that was brought into our workplace. She was trying really hard to watch her weight, and everyone knew it. This was the third or fourth time that month that someone had brought in treats, and her willpower was at a low ebb.

Have you ever decided not to do something because you didn’t want to tempt someone else? Maybe you didn’t eat a piece of cake at a party because you knew someone else was struggling with their weight. 

In Romans 14, Paul addresses the issue of how we should treat each other in matters of conscience. He reminds us that believers in Jesus may have different views on things like food, drink, and holy days. We also have diverse backgrounds that color our attitudes and practices.

Paul says, “Let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister” (Romans 14:13). In other words, we should be careful not to do anything that could lead someone else to sin.

This doesn’t mean that we have to give up our own convictions. But it does mean that we should be willing to put the spiritual needs of others above our own preferences. If something is not essential to the gospel, then it’s not worth causing a brother or sister to stumble.

So the next time you’re faced with a situation where you could tempt someone else, ask yourself this question: Is it worth it? Is my personal preference worth more than the spiritual well-being of another person?

If the answer is no, then choose to do the loving thing. Don’t be a stumbling block.


Burning Question:

So many people get married in June!  What is your favorite and least favorite thing about weddings?

Bible Quiz:

Question:How many older brothers did King David Have?

Answer:   1 Samuel 17:12-14

Storytime: Muddy Children are Great!

Just one More Thing

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