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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

When was Dad the hero?

Morning Devotional:

After a small group gathering at church where I had offered up a prayer to close our time together, a woman came up to me to offer a compliment. She proceeded to tell me how much she enjoyed listening to me pray out loud, and how I always seemed to have the right words to say. Her next comment floored me.

She said, “I don’t think God likes my prayers at all. I don’t put the words together right and they just sound stupid.”

My heart broke for her. Here was this beautiful child of God, trying her best to do something the Lord absolutely treasures – have a conversation with Him – and thinking she was failing at it miserably. I had to set the record straight. 

What do we know about prayer? Prayer is simply talking to God—and God wants us to talk to Him! When we draw close to Him in prayer, He draws close to us. He has promised to hear us when we pray. He even tells us we don’t need words to do it!  Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that God sees our innermost thoughts and desires. And Romans 8:26 tells us that when “we do not know what to pray for as we should, the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”  

When words don’t come and what we have is that deep heart-yearning inside us to talk to God, that can be enough. “God, help” is more than enough. Whatever you have, use it to pray. God will hear it, He’ll receive it, and it will be a sweet sound to His ears.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What king was confronted by a prophet who had disguised himself with a headband?

Answer:  King Ahab  (1 Kings 20:37-39)

Storytime: Holding my breath to keep them Safe!

Just one more thing!

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