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Morning Devotional:

Have you ever had someone tell you how a story or movie was going to turn out before you had a chance to see or read it yourself? It happened to me just this week.  I was about to start watching a new television series when I stumbled upon a major plot reveal before I had a chance to watch the first episode. How I wished someone had said “spoiler alert” before I saw it! It took all the suspense and the fun out of watching the series.

While I was disappointed about the spoiler, there is something to be said about getting information ahead of time. It is comforting to know that things will turn out well in the end, even if part of the story is going to be bad.  That holds true in God’s story.  It began in the Garden of Eden, but the fall changed things.  Jesus claimed victory over sin when He went to the cross and here’s the spoiler:  He is coming back!  The entire book of Revelation is a spoiler alert if you think about it – a glimpse into the wonder of eternity with our God.  Consider this great verse in Revelation 21:5 where John writes, “He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.”  That’s a spoiler I am glad to receive!

– Beth

Burning Question:

I hate to admit it but I don’t know how to __________.

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who ate honey out of a lion’s carcass?

Answer: Samson Judges 14:5-9

Storytime: He is the Man we all wished we had.  

Just one more thing

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