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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What do you regularly eat for breakfast that is very out of the ordinary?

Morning Devotional:

We are so used to getting places fast. Think about it: you want to go to the store? You hop in the car, and you’re there in minutes. Two weeks ago, I had a unique opportunity… to get somewhere slowly. My family was away, and it was just me. I had the bright idea to walk to church. It’s a two-minute drive but a 24-minute walk. Which also means a 24-minute walk home. It was hot, but it was good. It was good to walk and take things a little slower.

As I walked, I started noticing things I would usually miss while driving—birds singing, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, the beauty of flowers along the way. It reminded me of how often we rush through life, missing the small yet beautiful moments God places before us.

This experience made me think of Psalm 46:10, where God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, forgetting to slow down and simply be in God’s presence. Walking to church that day gave me a chance to do just that—be still, reflect, and connect with God on a deeper level.

In our daily lives, let’s remember to take moments to slow down and appreciate the journey. Whether it’s taking a longer walk, spending extra time in prayer, or simply pausing to enjoy God’s creation, these moments can refresh our spirits and draw us closer to Him.

So, I encourage you today to find your own “walking to church” moment. Slow down, be still, and know that He is God. You’ll be amazed at the peace and joy that come from taking life a little slower and savoring His presence.


Bible Quiz:

Question:  What future King of Israel was out hunting his Donkeys when Samuel came to anoint him?

Answer: 1 Samuel 9:15 -10:1

Storytime: When does a child become an Adult?

Just one More Thing!

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