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Morning Devotional:

I had the strangest thing happen to me the other night. I got home from work shortly after 5:00 pm and I was really, really tired. I let out my dog, fed her and then unwittingly took a nap on my living room couch. I hadn’t planned on taking a nap at all but somehow, in my exhaustion, I must have given my Alexa a certain command. The next thing I remember, an alarm on my Alexa is going off and in my confusion, a flurry of events follow. I look at the clock, it says 7:00 and I immediately think I’m late for work! I jump to my feet, rush to put my dog in her pen for the day, grab my car keys, scramble to get in the car and start pulling out of the garage – only to finally realize it is 7:00 in the evening, and I didn’t have to be at work until the next morning.

Do you remember naptime in school?  I remember in Kindergarten when I got to bring a big towel to school to lay on for a half hour to just rest. That was great! It was also a long time ago and perhaps a lost art.  Resting is a hard thing for me. But God tells us it’s okay to rest! Psalm 127:2 says, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for he grants sleep to those he loves.” Even Jesus told his disciples to rest. If He didn’t they could have crumbled from exhaustion, quit following him or ended up addicted to their work. That temptation is very real. 

I know there’s work to do today – there always is. But don’t forget to get some rest, too. We all need it and God knows that.  He provides it, too.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is the best summer job you have had and why?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who did Elisha raise from the dead?

Answer:  The son of the Shunammite woman  (2 Kings 4:32-35)

Storytime Egg hunt in a different direction

Just one more thing

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