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What Day Is It?

Morning Devotional:

I was caught by surprise but the timing was just right. My friend needed to talk. 

The call lasted for more than an hour but my friend needed a sympathetic ear, a long distance shoulder to cry on, and whatever words of wisdom I could offer.  That wisdom was admittedly a bit wimpy on my part but I think our prayer time at the end helped her a lot.

As I finally settled in for the night I couldn’t help but think about how many times I have needed that friend on the other end of the phone line, that person to talk me through a problem or to just listen as I muddle my way through one of life’s messes.

I need that kind of encouragement a lot. I also know that I need to be that kind of friend a lot more.

The apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5 to “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Are we doing that today?  I have to wonder how many people out there might need some encouragement. Someone might need that phone call or text message from you. They might appreciate that thank you note, a cup of coffee, or a quick visit. Someone out there needs to be lifted up and prayed over and loved. 

We are all needed in the kingdom of God. We need to encourage one another and someone desperately needs you today to do it. 

Can we open our eyes to the needs of others and be the encouragers He wants us to be?

– Beth

The Burning Question:

What is something you wish someone else would do for you?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What son of Jonathan was crippled because he had been dropped by his nurse as a baby?

Answer:  Mephibosheth  (2 Samuel 4:4)

Storytime: Zebedee Faking Genius

Just one More Thing!

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