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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

Which of your family is most likely to lose something? 

Morning Devotional:

Don’t you appreciate a second chance?  I had forgotten something VERY important.  A letter came in the mail last week from London Ohio.  I grew up in London Ohio.  But it was a letter from the City of London saying “You forgot to file local income tax in London Ohio.”  Now this is in regards to a bit of a complex tax situation I have, but without getting into it, I have to file taxes in London.  I usually don’t owe any taxes, but I have to file to prove that.  And last year, I forgot.   So I sent an email and fell on the sword, I said, I’m so sorry I forgot, here is the documentation you need.  Is there any late fees I need to pay, anything I need to do?  The response was quick and Merciful.  Nope, your good, thanks for getting it done.  What a relief! 

This situation mirrors the grace and compassion God extends to us daily. 

In Psalm 103:10-12 (NIV), we find solace in the words, “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” This scripture reminds us that God’s mercy knows no bounds, and He forgives us when we fall short.

In my case, I had the opportunity to rectify my oversight. I reached out, admitted my mistake, and provided the necessary documentation. Similarly, when we acknowledge our shortcomings and seek forgiveness, God is quick to respond with mercy and grace.  Let’s embrace the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and grow in faith. God’s love and forgiveness are constant, offering us second chances to live in accordance with His purpose.


Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who got to Ride in Pharaoh’s second Chariot?

Answer: Joseph Genesis 41:41-43

Storytime: Korban Making Butter!

Just one More Thing!

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