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Morning Show

Morning Show Archive – Friday, August 2nd, 2024

By 08/05/2024No Comments

What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What Olympic sport would you do the best at?  Why do you think that?

Morning Devotional:

A woman who was attacked by a shark while swimming in the Gulf of Mexico recently recalled her ordeal. The shark had grabbed her legs and pulled at her body but to defend herself, the woman punched the shark in the nose, which caused it to release its bite and let her go. The woman needed over 100 stitches to close her wounds but needless to say, she was grateful to be alive. 

Stories like that are incredible, but stories in the Word of God of people who died and were raised back to life by the Lord are even more amazing to me. Consider the widow of Nain’s son in Luke chapter seven or Jairus’ daughter in Luke chapter eight. There’s Jesus’ friend Lazarus, walking out of his own tomb to the shock of his sisters. Then you have Jesus himself, raised back to life three days after His own horrific crucifixion. It’s a truth you have to love, and a concept you need to grab a hold of today.

In Acts 2:24, Peter says that “God raised Jesus up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.” Because of Jesus’ victory on the cross, the power of death is defeated. Jesus delivered a knockout blow to the enemy, ending his hold over us all. If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you have been made alive in Him and because of that, you can rise up and walk out of the tomb you have been living in for far too long.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who frightened his followers, who thought he was a ghost when he passed by them late at night?

Answer:  Jesus  (Mark 6:48)

Storytime: Looking at it from a different angle!

Just one More Thing!

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