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Morning Devotional:

I ran across a story about a young boy who for some reason was trying to lift a really heavy rock in the back yard of his home. No matter how hard the boy tried, the rock would not budge, and it got to the point where the boy was completely and utterly frustrated. He gave up, plopped down on the ground and started to cry.

The boy’s father saw what was going on, went up to his son and asked him what was wrong. “I can’t move this rock,” the boy sobbed. “Are you using all of your strength?” the father asked, to which the boy said, “Yes, yes I am.” The father encouraged him to try to lift the heavy rock again and sure enough, the
boy would return, just as frustrated as before.

The father asked him again, “Are you using all of your strength?” When the boy said yes once again, the father finally replied, “No, son, you’re not. You didn’t ask me for help.”

It’s a simple story that I think we all have found ourselves in, except the rock is our daily struggles and the father in the story is our daddy God. How many times have we tried to struggle through our burdens and trials, trying to carry the heavy load ourselves when our Father is right there waiting to take the
burden from us? We make the struggles of life so much harder than they have to be, all because we forget that our strength is to be found in the Lord.

Psalm 121 gives us the encouragement we need to remember in those times: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What are some things you can do or have done to encourage your pastor’s wife?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What prophet condemned the idle rich on their beds of ivory?

Answer:  Amos  (Amos 6:4)

Storytime: Looking in a Frustration Mirror

Just one more thing…

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