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Morning Devotional:

I watched a TV show recently about a severely overweight woman who, after many months of hard work, lost nearly 150 pounds. Her story was a sad one. Her mother had passed away when she was in her teens and it was that deep and sudden loss that caused her to turn to food for comfort. It became a habit,
and then a food addiction taking her to the point where she was morbidly obese and terribly ill. The woman’s story turned around when she met a personal trainer.

This personal trainer partnered with her by helping her change her diet and starting her on an exercise program. At the end of the television show and after her 150-pound weight loss reveal, the woman credited her trainer for her success – not because of the knowledge gained from her or the program she
put her on, but because the trainer had become her friend.

We are needy people, you and I, and we were created with a need for connection. We crave connection with someone we can trust, someone we can lean on, and someone we can do the journey of life with. Earthly relationships are wonderful but are not always perfect. Thankfully, we have the perfect friend in the Lord. His friendship comes with a commitment that is not just for a period of days or weeks or months, but forever! As we read in Deuteronomy 31:6, the Lord will “never leave you or forsake you.”

Jesus himself calls us friends, and that is the greatest comfort we can know.

– Beth

Burning Question:

Tell us about a random act of kindness – one that you’ve done or one that you have experienced or seen!

Bible Quiz:

Question: What king of Judah suffered from a painful boil?

Answer:  King Hezekiah  (2 Kings 20)

Storytime: Where are the Men’s Activities?

Just one more thing…

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