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Morning Devotional:

I was running some errands yesterday afternoon and ran into someone I recognized, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember her name. When I approached her to say hello, I found out she was in the exact same predicament. She recognized my face but couldn’t remember my name either. We laughed about it, exchanged some small talk and went on our way, but encounter stuck with me.

Now this happens to me more times than not. I’m much better at remembering faces than I am names, and I hate the feeling of being forgotten or passed by. I hate it when it happens to me, and I especially hate it when I inadvertently do it to someone else. But do you know what this moment made me realize? It only takes one encounter with a certain someone to ensure that i will never be lost on someone’s memory. My encounter with Jesus Christ made sure of that,

If you have ever felt forgotten by God, you can know you’re not. I know that because of what it says in Isaiah 49: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you. See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” We are truly known by the One who calls us His own.

– Beth

Burning Question:

Have you ever been on a blind date or set someone else up on a blind date?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What miraculous food resembled coriander seed?

Answer:  Manna  (Exodus 16:31)

Storytime: 28 boxes of Ice Cream!

Just one more thing…

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