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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

It’s National Sisters Day!  What does your sister deserve some praise for?

Morning Devotional:

I have really been enjoying watching the Olympics coverage on television the past couple of weeks. I love the competitions and I am always inspired by the athletes’ stories, but I am also entertained by the history surrounding the Olympic Games themselves. For instance, did you know that tug-of-war was once an official Olympic sport?

Tug-of-war was first played at the Olympics in 1900, and players from Sweden and Denmark won gold. The sport became popular very quickly, but tug-of-war’s last Olympic appearance would be the 1920 Antwerp Games. 

It’s too bad tug-of-war isn’t around as a sport because this would be an event I could get behind!  It’s not hard to understand or compete in, really. You grab the rope, focus on the goal, and rely on the strength and stability of the anchorman at the far end of the rope.

The anchor in a tug-of-war team is typically the strongest person on the team. They have the weight, the experience and the endurance to support and coach the team as the opponent pulls against them. 

I feel very much like I am being pulled around all the time. Satan and his forces are very persistent at that. That’s why I trust in Christ and use this verse as my daily reminder. Hebrews 6:19 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What was the occupation of the Roman who had his beloved servant healed by Jesus?

Answer:  Centurion  (Luke 7:2)

Storytime: How Fragile is Fragile?

Just one More Thing!

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