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Morning Devotional:

Scripture: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

As Christians, we are called to raise our children in a way that honors God. This does not mean that we should try to make our children into cookie-cutter versions of ourselves. Every child is unique, and we should be careful not to force our own expectations on them. Instead, we should focus on helping our children develop their own talents and gifts. We should also teach them about God’s love and forgiveness. When we do this, we are giving them the best possible foundation for a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t compare your child to others. Every child is different, and it is unfair to compare them to their siblings, cousins, or friends. Instead, focus on celebrating your child’s unique strengths and talents. Don’t force your child to follow in your footsteps. If your child has different interests than you, that’s okay! Encourage them to pursue their own passions. Be patient and understanding. Parenting is a journey, and there will be times when you make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Just keep learning and growing, and your child will benefit from your example. Raising children in a way that honors God is not always easy. But it is one of the most rewarding things you can do.


Burning Question:

Bible Quiz:

Question: What apostle taught and disputed in the lecture hall of a man named Tyrannus?

Answer:  Paul Acts 19:9

Storytime: Korban’s Meal just wasn’t Ready

Just one More Thing

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