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Morning Devotional:

When I was studying acting in college. I had an assignment where I had to study how people walked and mimic them. To complete the assignment, we were encouraged to go to a public place and people watch. Since I was living in the Twin Cities metro in the pre-9/11 era, I thought the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport was the perfect place to do this so I hopped in the car, headed to the airport and made a day of it.

I grabbed a snack, chose a seat in a busy section of the concourse and started my case study. I watched hundreds of people pass by me and as I did, I simply watched them walk. I took mental notes of how they moved, studying their pace, their posture, how they held their heads, how they swayed from side to side. As actors, we also were to imagine their backstories and their lives. What was their background? What career did they work in? What put them in this place right now, and what would be their ultimate destination? 

However we walk, though, there are only two destinations we can ultimately reach – eternity with God, or separation from God. Without Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our final destination is not good. But with Jesus Christ as our Savior, our eternal destination is with Him,with all of the perks of God’s eternal home. Jesus said that “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Make sure that you are walking with Him today.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is something that always lifts your spirit when you are feeling down?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What judge was a wheat farmer?

Answer:  Gideon  (Judges 6:11)

Storytime: Mud Roller Coaster!

Just one more thing

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