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Morning Devotional:

Over the weekend I got to do a project I have been wanting to do for months. I learned this technique when I worked at an art gallery years ago where you take a poster and add texture paste to it to make it look like a painted canvas. You take this paste and with a paint brush, you brush over it as if you were the artist and as the paste dries, it leaves the impression of brush strokes on the poster. It turns an ordinary looking poster into what looks like a masterpiece. It’s also a great way to hide a blemish in a piece of art, which is the exact problem I had with the poster I was working with.

The poster I wanted to frame had a small hole in it, which I was able to partially hide by adhering the poster to a piece of mat board the same color as the background of the artwork. But I still had the texture and the impression of the rip itself to take care of. Well, with the paste and a couple of layers of brush strokes over it and voila! My poster of purple hydrangeas in a vase now looks like a masterpiece, with no sign of a tear whatsoever. A little tender loving care has covered the booboo.

Sometimes we all need a little TLC like that. First Peter 4 reminds us to “love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.” Other times it takes a lot more than that – like the work done by Jesus Christ on the cross. In those cases, we need the Master to take on the wounds and cover the blemish of sin fully and completely. He can, He did and He does for you. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

What blessings have come to you out of loss?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What New Testament person prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem?

Answer:  Jesus  (Mark 13)

Storytime: I promise I’m not going to hurt myself. 

Just one more thing

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