In my recent time on the road I’ve noticed that the sky is often filled with hundreds, even thousands of honking geese as they migrate north. They fly in a V-shape; a pattern that helps them travel very far in a short amount time. It’s just how God has made them, and they obey and follow that plan every year, working together.
These birds travel thousands of miles. They don’t have maps or phones. They just know where to go. That’s because God gave them an instinct, a built-in guide for them to know when it’s time to fly north and how to get there.
The V-formation is pretty awesome as well. The goose at the front works the hardest, fighting the wind. But as it gets tired, it moves back for another goose to take its place. They share the work, helping each other out. It’s definitely a team effort, just like Kinship Radio is! God made the geese to work together so they can all get to their destination.
We can learn a lot from these geese. Sometimes, God asks us to do things that are hard. We might not understand why, or where we’re going. But just like the geese trust their instinct, we can trust God’s plan. He knows what’s best for us even when we don’t.
When we obey God, we’re like the geese flying in formation. We’re all part of something bigger, something amazing. We might not see the whole picture, but God does. And just like He guides the geese home, He guides us too. So, the next time you look up and see the geese flying in that V-formation, remember how they follow God’s plan, then trust that He has a plan for you, too.
by Doug Johnson