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By 05/14/2013No Comments

And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God
and man.
Luke 2:52 (ESV)

While the National Day of Prayer has since passed, we will continue to
ask believers to pray for the seven pillars of prayer recommended by
organizers of that event. Kinship Christian radio is sponsoring an event
called “Crosswalk” where people commit to walk and pray. Some form
groups and enjoy fellowship. Some walk by themselves. There is more
information here: 

This week, we explore the need for prayer for our education system.

I personally feel a strong, strong calling to pray for education. Obviously,
young minds are so impressionable, it is essential that truth be an
integral part of our education system. And yes, I mean Biblical truth.

Ever since prayer was banned in schools in 1962, American schools have
become increasingly afraid to even talk about God. It has become quite
clear that a certain small segment of our society openly despises and
even mocks God, to the point that God is not welcome in our schools.

While the Constitution rightly forbids the government from establishing
a mandatory state or federal religion (Thank God!) schools are NOT
prohibited from teaching about various religions. As far as I know, every
culture that has ever existed in all the history of the world has practiced
some form of religion.

If you have ever attended a public university, you know that God is
openly mocked—and often by professors who have no compunction
about promoting the religion of atheism. (While atheists will strongly
deny they practice a religion, everybody worships something, whether it
is their own reason or the one True God. By the way, there is an atheist
church in London and the US Army is considering providing atheist
chaplains. Stanford University hired an atheist chaplain last year. There
is an interesting editorial here:

I am confident if our high schools, colleges, and universities taught a
comparative religions course so our children would know not only what
we believe about Jesus Christ, but also what others believe about their
gods, we would be better off as a society. It’s time we let Jesus back into
our schools. If that means Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, and Ganesh
and even atheists views are taught and discussed, I am not worried in
the least because Christianity is the only religion that teaches that God
Himself in the person of Jesus Christ died to take away our sins.

And, it is not illegal. The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly said, “It
might well be said that one’s education is not complete without a study
of comparative religion, or the history of religion and its relationship to
the advancement of civilization.”

Organizers of the National Day or Prayer recommend that we pray, “for
God’s presence in our schools, colleges, and universities. Ask Him to
select teachers and administrators who honor His statutes, protect our
children, and inspire them to discover their God-given calling. Take the
time to learn who the teachers, administrators, and district leaders are
in your area, then pray for them.”

I would add that it is also vitally important that we pray for, support,
and encourage our few remaining Christian schools.

Today’s Praise

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!

Psalm 111:10 (ESV)