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Not too long ago, I found myself getting excited over a tooth – a tiny baby tooth belonging to my middle son, Lucian. After he turned six years old, I often found him wiggling his first loose tooth, one right on the bottom front row. At the right time, the tooth came out and I was very excited to see this little dentile. I asked Lucian later where his tooth was and he replied with a story.

“Well, when my tooth came out Dad said to put it in a little plastic bag so we can keep it safe. But then Hayden (older brother) said that my tooth was gross so I should wash it first. I tried to wash my tooth in the bathroom sink but it fell down the drain, so it’s lost.”

My mama heart was disappointed, and I know Lucian felt bad about it too. It totally made me think of how we often hear God’s instruction but end up obeying other voices. This could be about a certain calling, gifting, opportunity, or path that comes along once in a lifetime. When we have something like that happen and choose to listen to voices other than the Lord’s, we often fumble that precious thing and it goes right down the drain causing pain or disappointment. But I’m also reminded that Jesus is the Redeemer. We have a God who is full of mercy and is quick to provide second chances.

Just like in Lucian’s circumstance, there will be another tooth. If there have been mistakes you’ve made in your life that are painful to reflect on, know that God can provide a second chance. Even a third, fourth or fifth one! You just need to let Jesus speak to you and guide you forward – no more listening to voices who lead you down a drain. Obey your Heavenly Father, the one who redeems and who lavishes you with the blessing of his love.

by LaDonna Alvarado

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