Burning Question:
What is something you wish you could “spring forward” to in life right now?
Morning Devotional:
I had the pleasure of welcoming a new companion into my home on Saturday. Abbie is a 12-week-old Parti Yorkie and when I saw her profile online a little over a week ago, I instantly fell in love. She was the last of her litter mates to leave their momma and with that information in my back pocket, I knew my pup’s transition was probably going to be a little bit harder.
Sure enough, little Abbie started showing all the signs. She clung to me like Velcro. I couldn’t leave the room without her following me. Even a trip to the bathroom sent her into a frenzy of whimpers and frantic pawing at the door.
She didn’t eat all day on Saturday or well into Sunday and I could not figure out why, until I decided to sit down next to her bowl of food. When I did that, she ate just fine. I realized she had never eaten a meal alone before, and that’s when I knew she was suffering from a bad case of separation anxiety – that raw fear of being abandoned.
Holding her in my arms, comforting her and praying over her, too, I couldn’t help but think about my own relationship with the Lord. Was I sticking that close to Him, and would I be that distraught if I thought I was being ripped away from His love? The Word tells us when we have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that fear is unfounded.
Paul says in Romans 8:38-39: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Abbie has yet to understand the depth of my love and care for her. How often do we, as God’s children, doubt His love? God is always there. He understands our anxieties and patiently teaches us, through His Word and His constant presence, that nothing can take us away from His love.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: Who said, “Surely the Lord is in this place?”
Answer: Jacob (Genesis 28:16)
Storytime: Registering Korban for High School!