Burning Question:
What is your favorite “senior moment?”
Morning Devotional:
So, what does a typical person do right before a blizzard? You go shopping!
On Tuesday afternoon, I did what many people do before a blizzard strikes. I went grocery shopping. As I got to the checkout with my much-needed bread and milk and very expensive eggs, I couldn’t help but notice packages of cookies that were on sale. I could not resist the temptation, so I grabbed some.
I was in a rush because of the weather so as I was paying for my items, both the clerk and I were packing up my groceries. Now I had brought my own bag into the store, and it was too small to hold everything, so I decided to carry out the cookies separately.
When I got home and started putting my groceries away, I realized I didn’t have the package of cookies. I went back out to the car, hoping that they were in the seat. No luck. I realized I must have accidentally left them on the store counter when I paid for my groceries. The debate in my head began: Do I go out in the bad weather and back to the store to see if they had the cookies I had paid for? Was it worth the trip? No. I really didn’t need them.
Late last night I read Romans chapter eight, and verse 32 reminded me of my little shopping spree. I might not fully grasp God’s love for us, or the cost that was paid when His Son went to the cross. But God is not content to leave me behind, not on a store counter, a car seat, or anywhere else.
Romans 8:38 tells us that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. When we wander off, He will always “drive back to the store” to bring us home.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: In what book of the Bible is this quote from? “Their feet are swift to shed blood.”
Answer: Romans 3:15 or Isaiah 59:7
Storytime: Dog Probiotics!