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What Day is it?

Burning Question:

What’s one habit or distraction God may be leading you to give up?

Morning Devotional:

Last night I was out and about running some errands, and I apparently chose the worst time of the evening to do so. It was right when yesterday’s rainfall turned to sleet and ice on the roads. 

As I was driving through the town where I live – which is very hilly – I found myself having to suddenly brake while driving down a steep slope.  My car ended up sliding on the ice for a good portion of the way down the hill. I held my breath and tightened my grip on the steering wheel until my car stopped sliding and came to rest just shy of an intersection.

Slippery slopes are dangerous things, especially when they involve our spiritual lives. It’s easy to fall back into patterns that send us back into old habits and sins – even the problematic state of being too busy working for God. The Lord wants to have a relationship with us, and relationships take time to cultivate. If we don’t give them proper attention, those relationships can slip away.

Have you been sliding away from your relationship with Jesus Christ? The church in Ephesus was warned about forsaking the Lord as their first love in Revelation chapter two. Don’t let that be you. Ask the Lord to help you get back on the right road. He will be faithful to show you the way.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked” is the first line of what book in the Bible?

Answer:  Psalms (Psalm 1:1)

Storytime: God Makes a Way.

Just one More Thing

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