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What Day Is It?

Burning Question:

It’s National Simplify Your Life Day!  What is one thing you can do to simplify your life?

Morning Devotional:

I spent the weekend with my parents, and my mom and I spent part of Saturday running some errands. While we were out and about, Mom got really thirsty. I was in the mood for a snack, so we decided to visit the drive-thru at the local fast-food restaurant.

I ordered a double cheeseburger off the menu board – a simple order with no changes needed. My mother wanted a glass of water. This is where things got interesting.

“So, you want a plain water?” the clerk asked to which Mom said yes. 

“Do you want it in a bottle or a cup?” she asked again.  A cup would be fine, we responded.

“What size of a cup would you like?” the clerk continued. This slightly rattled us. Did we know there were four sizes of water cups available at this place?

“Would you like ice in your water? Regular ice or light ice?” Light ice as in diet ice, we joked.

Once we received our order, the difference between our menu choices offered a great reminder to us as believers. My hastily assembled burger was barely maintaining its shape in the flimsy paper it was wrapped in. Only the melted cheese was holding it together. On the other hand, my mom’s water came in a crystal clear cup, complete with a paper white sleeve, two napkins, a straw and a handwritten smiley face on it. 

My cheeseburger cost me close to eight dollars. Mom’s cup of water was absolutely free. I didn’t really need the burger right then but for my mom, her severe case of dry mouth made that drink a necessity. When we learn in the Word that Jesus is the living water that won’t run dry, and that salvation through Him is absolutely free, I don’t know about you, but I’ll choose living water every time. I’ll take it in the extra-large size, too.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What book of the Bible makes reference to “the books of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia?”

Answer:  Esther  (Esther 10:1-3)

Storytime: The Best Response he ever had!

Just One More Thing!

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