Burning Question:
Have you ever had to take a leap of faith? What happened?
Morning Devotional:
I watched a television show recently about a severely overweight woman who, after months of hard work, lost over 150 pounds.
Her story was obviously inspiring but unfortunately began with tragedy. This woman’s mother had died when she was a teenager, and grief had turned her on to comfort eating. The trajectory of her story changed, however, when she met with a personal trainer who helped her change her diet and start an exercise program.
At the end of the show, this woman credited her weight loss success to her personal trainer, not because of the knowledge she had gained or the program she had developed, but because the trainer had become her friend.
The one thing we need the most in this life is connection with someone we can trust in and rely on in this journey we call life. We have that friend in Jesus Christ! He is utterly committed to walking with us and He doesn’t have the limitations of any earthly friend. His commitment to you is forever!
In John 15:15, Jesus says to us, “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends.” He is the friend we need, and the best friend we can have.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: What king led the people in singing and praising God, leading God to destroy the armies of the Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites?
Answer: King Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20)
Storytime: Early Morning Fury