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What Day Is It?

Burning Question:

Who is the greatest leader you’ve ever known personally, and what made them great?

Morning Devotional:

My weekend was a story of ups and downs but one of the more memorable lowlights took place yesterday morning. 

I woke up early to get a jumpstart on the day and immediately took a shower. Expecting a warm cascade of water, I was greeted instead by a steady stream of frigid water. My water heater had somehow quit during the night. I got it started up again, but it took forever to heat enough water to do the rest of the morning tasks I had in mind. 

Now this was certainly an inconvenience but the more I fumed and whined about the problem, the more petty I began to sound in my head. I was confronted by the day’s news headlines later that morning – stories from Los Angeles homeowners who wished there was enough water to put out the fires that turned their homes to ash. The temperature of the water wouldn’t have mattered to them.

In a perfect world, a fire hydrant running dry is simply inconceivable, but even fire hydrants are fallible. The one source we have that is perfect – the source of restorative living water – is Jesus Christ our Lord.

We learn of this truth as Jesus talks with the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter four. He calls himself the giver of living water in John 4:10. When we trust in Him as Lord, we find that there is a constant flow of His power producing fruit in and through us. There is never any lack of His living water and we never run dry. Let’s make sure we are filled up with Him today, so we can overflow to others.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What prophet was exiled to Egypt?

Answer:  Jeremiah  (Jeremiah 43:5-7)

Storytime: The Watch didn’t work.

Just One More Thing!

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