Burning Question:
When was a time you had to trust God completely, even when it didn’t make sense?
Morning Devotional:
Lately, electronics have not been very friendly to me.
For some reason, electronic devices have been going berserk when I have attempted to use them. Take for instance my laptop. For some strange reason, a software program I have used for years decided to change color schemes on me yesterday. This wouldn’t bother me so much if it were planned, but the problem was that the color scheme essentially blacked out two-thirds of the work I was doing. I could not figure out how to reverse it so I finally had to resort to a tried and true technique for resolving these types of problems.
I shut down the computer and pulled the plug from the wall. In essence, I denied it power.
When we are facing battles in our life and Satan is getting the best of us, I believe the same adage holds true. When you can cut off the enemy’s power, his ability to harm you is depleted. It may feel like Satan is getting the best of you, but he can’t. Satan’s power over you has already been denied because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. His hold on us has been cut off. We just need to remind him of that.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: What righteous man started the practice of herding sheep?
Answer: Abel (Genesis 4:2)
Storytime: The Pink Pinky!