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What Day Is It?

Burning Question:

It’s National Thank You Note Day.  Who have you forgotten to thank?

Morning Devotional:

Do you know someone who is a prayer warrior? I have a couple of friends who have a knack for storming the gates of heaven with the needs of others and they do not get the thanks they deserve. The apostle Paul, however, takes the time in his letter to the Colossian church to commend a member there for their prayer work – a man by the name of Epaphras. 

According to Paul, Epaphras was a man of God and a treasure to the church. We know he was in prison with Paul at one time or another, and in Colossians 4:12, he says that Epaphras always wrestled in prayer. I could just imagine how Paul would consider this man as an asset, not only to himself but also to the entire fledgling church. 

We need those prayer warriors, don’t we?  Yes!  We need to be those people, too. Are you one to wrestle in prayer? I hope so, because mountains are moved when God’s people pray.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:   How old was Sarah when she died?

Answer:  127 years  (Genesis 23:1)


Just One More Thing:

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