The Burning Question:
What’s the most memorable distraction that happened at a church service you attended?
Morning Devotional:
First, it was caffeine. Then it was a couple of chocolates, followed by a sandwich. I then took a brisk walk around the house. No matter what I tried to do, there was no way I was going to be able to keep my eyes open long enough to complete the letter I was supposed to send off to my insurance company on Thursday night. I gave up, turned off the computer and went to bed.
My next attempt was on Friday afternoon but when I got home from work, the same scene played out at my desk. This time, my drowsiness was accompanied by a stomachache. Bedtime came a lot earlier than the night before, but I got to enjoy a full ten hours of uninterrupted sleep – sleep I very much needed.
Yesterday, I was reminded of a word a friend gave me a while back – advice I think I should put on a sign in my office somewhere. The quote is simple: Jesus never asked us to be busy. I like to be productive, and I like to think I thrive on chaos. The reality is that I can’t. What does God want from us? His will is for me and for you to sit at His feet, focus on Him and pursue our relationship with Him. It’s time to be less like Martha and more like Mary. As Jesus said in Luke 10, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42).
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: What coppersmith had, according to Paul, done him great harm?
Answer: Alexander (2 Timothy 4:14)
Storytime: I was just trying to help!