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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

Who is a pastor that has made a significant impact on your life, and how did they do it?

Morning Devotional:

I got to spend the weekend with my parents and as I usually do, I attended their church on Sunday morning. They have a thriving congregation with lots of young families and of course, they were running around like crazy before the service. A chaotic scene, for sure!

My mom and I were chatting with a woman who was holding a newborn baby against her chest. He was fussing a little bit but after a few minutes, he quieted down until finally, the woman asked me to look at him and see if he was sleeping. Sure enough, the little guy was out cold, snug as a bug, his little face squished up against her chest without a care in the world. 

I quietly marveled at how this little boy could fall asleep so easily with all of the melee going on around him. We were engaged in lively conversation, elbow to elbow with all kinds of other people in conversations all their own. Pre-service music was playing overhead. The kids were still running around the sanctuary area, being loud and unruly kids. Could any of that be conducive to sleep?

Of course, when you’re in the safety of a parent’s loving arms. 

In Deuteronomy chapter 33, Moses is pronouncing a blessing on the tribes of Israel shortly before his death. In verse 27, he offers this one: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” I love this verse because it reminds us that God is our safe haven. He is our strength and constant support in whatever comes our way, and we have the assurance we can always rest secure in His arms.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:   What king of Tyre sent materials for David’s palace?

Answer:   Hiram  (2 Samuel 5:11)

Storytime: Sword Drills!

Just one More Thing!

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