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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

Where have you seen hope this week?

Morning Devotional:

It’s been a pretty busy few days here at Kinship Radio and admittedly, I have been away from my normal routine of keeping up with news and current events. I had some time last night, though, to catch up on the latest round of polls surrounding the upcoming election.

When you look at elections, no doubt you’ve seen poll numbers and the “margin of error.” That’s the number of percentage points a survey is expected to be off without it deemed to be inaccurate. A survey could be considered to be off as much as five percent over or under the goal achieved, depending on the initial results of the poll. Given that margin, the survey results appeared undetermined, as no clear candidate could claim victory. 

When it comes to the things of God, particularly in the sin category, there is no margin of error.  Consider this scripture from Ecclesiastes 7:20: “Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.” We are all sinners, every single one of us. His standard is holiness and I am woefully short. Thankfully, our Father provided the righteousness of His Son Jesus! If it weren’t for Jesus taking the punishment of our sins to the cross for us, we would have no hope of forgiveness or of eternal life with Him. Thanks be to God for the gift of Jesus and the victory He has secured for us!

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Where did Abram go right after leaving Ur?

Answer:  Haran (Genesis 11:31)

Storytime: Again, I am Bob.

Just one More Thing!

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