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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What have you accidentally thrown away that you regretted later?

Morning Devotional:

I had a conversation yesterday with someone that took me by surprise. 

It was regarding a topic I can normally handle without much thought. A listener had called in needing help finding a title to a song we play on the station quite frequently. She didn’t remember when she heard it last, but she knew the melody and part of the lyric of the chorus. When she sang it to me over the phone, I could instantly hear the song in my head.

Could I remember the title of the song or the artist who sang it?  No. I had a complete mental block.

When I finally remembered it, I was flabbergasted because it happened to be the number one song on the charts. Now I’m pretty sure my memory’s not going – at least I think it’s not, I’m not that old – but it did make me think about the things our brains hold on to, and what we would love to forget.

In Philippians 3, Paul writes, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Paul says here that there is value to be found in forgetting something very specific – our old lives, the past, our old selves. We are to do that in favor of pressing on toward what the Lord has called us to do. That would be to have a deeper relationship with Him, to serve Him more intently and fully, and to hopefully spur others to do the same.

If what is in your past is causing your relationship with God to become stale, I say let it go. Forget it. Leave it behind and look ahead to what He wants for you – and then press on with faith until you get there. 

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:   In what book of the Bible is this phrase found?  “He was preparing swarms of locusts after the king’s share had been harvested and just as the late crops were coming up.”

Answer:  Amos  (Amos 7:1)

Storytime: They Shredded that Bush!

Just One More Thing!

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