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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

When God made ____________, He was thinking of me.

Morning Devotional:

My traditional Sunday afternoon task is to do meal prep for the work week. I spend time making a couple of dishes that I can split into single serving meals and freeze, so that later in the week I can quickly assemble my lunches without too much trouble. I have four or five different recipes I make for this purpose that usually work without a hitch, except for one that calls for pasta.

When it comes to food, pasta is my Achilles heel. I love pasta and it apparently loves me because it seems to stick to every bone in my body. When I cook pasta, this mysterious factor of multiplication kicks into gear that instantly creates more of the stuff than I originally intended to cook. Sure, I read the instructions on the package and I always think they are pretty clear, but I always seem to end up with an overflow of the stuff. 

I’m not one to complain about a pasta noodle overabundance. I’m definitely not one to complain about something else that tends to overflow, and that something is found in Romans 5:15. Paul says this: “But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!”  

Paul is saying here that even though the consequences of our sinfulness are far-reaching, His grace and the gift of salvation reach even farther. God’s abundant supply of grace is overflowing, covering every last ounce of our sinfulness through the wonderful, amazing gift of His son Jesus on the cross. 

Just like the bow tie pasta in my mock lasagna recipe, I do not want to be short of God’s grace. I want to be sure I have more than enough, and because of Jesus, God’s grace-pot overflows!  

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question: Who commissioned Ezra to teach the law to Israel?

Answer:  King Artaxerxes  (Ezra 7)

Storytime: Thirty Seconds.

Just one More Thing!

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