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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

Have you ever been super excited about something you ordered, only to have to send it back?

Morning Devotional:

My wakeup call was when I didn’t wake up.

To my horror, I woke up Tuesday morning ten minutes before I was supposed to be here at work. During the night I had somehow inadvertently turned off all four alarms I use to wake myself up every morning and overslept.  

I jumped out of bed, texted Ryan Freed to let him know I was on my way and frantically got myself out the door. I was definitely late but praise God, the day turned out just fine. But when I got home after my shift I collapsed on my couch, physically exhausted and completely spent. 

Yesterday was a planned day off for me and I found it interesting that the devotion in my inbox that morning had the title “Rest is Your Weapon” in the subject line. The devotion went on to share how during his earthly ministry, Jesus took time away from the crowds to rest, and how He instructed His disciples to do the same. It also went on to share how in Matthew 11, Jesus invited the people to come to Him and “take My yoke upon you and learn from me,” and in doing so, they would find rest for their souls.

That’s where I made the connection. I tend to get run down from doing a lot. If I’m too tired, I’m carrying too much. I can’t carry the weapons of warfare if I’m also carrying my luggage. Remember when David went up against Goliath? He couldn’t wear Saul’s armor because it was too cumbersome. Instead of placing his faith in Saul’s armor, David’s faith “rested” in the strength of his God. The Lord’s burden is easy and light, so let’s rest in Him knowing that physical, mental, spiritual rest in Him is not only restorative, but also has a way of helping kick the enemy out the door.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who boasted to have built Babylon on a grand scale?

Answer:  Nebuchadnezzar  (Daniel 4:30)

Storytime: My Kids love a garage sale!

Just One More Thing!

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