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What Day Is It?

Morning Devotional:

I have been praying quite fervently about a situation that has risen up in my life as of late, one that has been with me for a long time. It’s not important to know what it is, but it is something that will be leading me and a couple of close friends down a difficult path over the next several days. 

I was in the middle of another sleepless night last night, praying and pleading with God for a way out of this season and as I did, my perspective and my heart changed. I realized my situation was going to be yet another opportunity for me to surrender my will to God’s and do what needed to be done for His glory, no matter how uncomfortable the road may get. What finally carried me to a place of rest last night was knowing deep down that’s what I ultimately wanted. 

When Jesus had the opportunity to ask the Father for another plan, He laid out His commitment to do the Father’s will, no matter how hard or painful the path was going to be. As He was about to be arrested and eventually crucified, He prayed these words: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.”  (Luke 22:42)

– Beth

The Burning Question:

It’s National Have Fun at Work Day.  When did you have great fun at work?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who joined the wicked King Ahaziah of Israel in building a fleet of ships to go to Tarshish?

Answer:  King Jehoshaphat  (2 Chronicles 20:35-37)

Storytime: Buzz Cuts

Just One More Thing

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