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What Day Is It?

Morning Devotional:

I have a lamp on my desk at home that for some reason is constantly burning out light bulbs. I need a bright light source at my desk so I went to the hardware store to buy a new bulb with the highest wattage I could find.

When I went to install the bulb in my lamp, i stumbled upon a problem. Apparently I wasn’t paying enough attention to what I was buying because I didn’t realize the newest LED light bulbs are a lot taller than bulbs I have purchased in the past. The bulb went in the socket just fine and trust me, it lit up my desk area like the noonday sun. The problem was that the bulb was too big and too tall for the harp of the lampshade to fit over it.  

There used to be a day years ago when I loved working in near darkness. I remember being on the air here at Kinship Radio late in the evenings working by the glow of just the computer screens. But I’m older now, and wise enough to know that I need a lot of light to see what I’m doing.

We see a whole lot of darkness around us in this world so we have to live knowing the truth of what Jesus spoke in John 8:12:  “I am the light of the world. He who follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” Why stay in the dark when you can have Jesus Christ? Make Him your Lord and Savior today.

– Beth

The Burning Question:

What is a lesson you learned from making a mistake?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who picked up twelve souvenir stones from the dry path across the Jordan River?

Answer:  Twelve men that Joshua appointed, one from each of the twelve tribes.  (Joshua 4:1-8)

Storytime: Help is on the way

Just One More Thing

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