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Morning Devotional:

Have you ever doubted God’s love for you?  I have, many times over but a recent object lesson on my kitchen table managed to chase away any recent doubt I have had as of late.

I received a small gift from some friends the other day.  It was sitting on my kitchen table along with the card that came with it.  The message inside it were the simple words, “Beth, you are loved.”  In a sweeping string of thoughts I went from “how special” to “how can I be sure?”  I looked at the card again to find three little spots had appeared on the card.  They were dots of blood, coming from a cut I didn’t realize I had.

I couldn’t deny the significance. How could someone who wanted so much for us to be with Him that He willingly shed His blood for us not love us?  Ephesians 2:13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”  Of course I am loved. We all are, by a Savior who willingly went to the cross and shed His own blood to prove it.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is the best idea you ever had?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In what city did Paul see an altar inscribed to an unknown God?

Answer:  Athens  (Acts 17:23)

Storytime: I can still surprise them!

Just one More Thing

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