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Morning Devotional:

I was a pretty proud aunt last week. My niece was chosen for a very high athletic honor, one that I would have never earned when I was her age. It would have been impossible, frankly, because I was never good at sports.

For me, participating in any kind of sports activity was agony. I wasn’t fast or athletic in any way, and on those days when we were picking teammates for a game of dodgeball or flag football or something, I would just sit there praying I wouldn’t be the last person picked, and usually was. There was this one day, though, when I was picked third for a team. I was thrilled! I played my hardest to try and win the game for my team. We won that day, too, and I loved it.

There is something to be said about being chosen for something. We may not have been chosen to play on the sports team we wanted or for the job we interviewed for, but in God’s eyes we have been hand-picked for His team. Ephesians chapter one tells us that He has “predestined us for adoption as His children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will.” There is no doubt in my mind, and neither should there be in yours, that we are wanted!  He picked you!

– Beth

Burning Question:

What important thing did your pet destroy?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who did Solomon hire to take charge of building the temple?

Answer:  Huram/Hiram of Tyre  (1 Kings 7:13-14)

Storytime:  Why is it always the favorite shirt? 

Just one More Thing

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