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Morning Devotional:

While I was on vacation the one thing I wanted to accomplish was to paint my kitchen.  I got a good start on it but the first task was pretty daunting – filling more than two dozen nail holes, patching a failing corner seam and covering a number of scuffs on my walls with primer.  Set aside the problem that I ended up disliking the color I chose for the walls and have to start over again with a new shade, the nail holes and the scuffs were covered pretty well. The corner seam?  You can still see where I tried to fix the problem. The patches are clearly visible.

We are pretty strategic when it comes to hiding things like blemishes and stains in our homes, on our clothes and such and at times we are successful.  Can we hide the stains of our sinfulness, though?  No.  Hebrews 4:13 says that “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” We can’t hide what we’ve done but here’s the good news. We can come before a loving God who sent us a Son who paid the price for our sins and made them go away, never to  be seen again. That is good news!

– Beth

Burning Question:

What package or delivery were you the most excited for?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who put Jeremiah in stocks and was later told that he and his whole household would die in exile?

Answer:  Pashur the priest  (Jeremiah 20:1-6)

Storytime: Minnows are trying to eat me

Just one More Thing

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