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Morning Devotional:

Today, as we celebrate the first day of summer, we are also met with the longest day of the year—a time of abundant daylight and the promise of warmth and growth. New seasons hold significance in our lives. They are often accompanied by anticipation, as we eagerly count down the days, hopeful for what they may bring.

Yet, seasons extend beyond weather patterns alone. Life itself unfolds in diverse seasons, independent of the changing climate. For instance, our children are growing older, and we stand on the precipice of new beginnings. Just yesterday, my oldest turned 19, marking the start of a new chapter for them and for our family. Ahead lie the prospects of universities, marriages, grandchildren, and eventually, an empty nest. Though we have a little time on that since Zebedee, our youngest is only 6.  

In Ecclesiastes, the author reminds us that every activity under the sun has its designated season, appointed by God, in which we journey through life (Ecclesiastes 3:1–11). We also find inspiration in the life of Moses, who encountered a new season after leading the people of Israel through the wilderness. He humbly relinquished his leadership role to Joshua, embarking on a different phase of his journey (Deuteronomy 31:2). Similarly, the apostle Paul faced a solitary season while confined under house arrest in Rome. Though he desired visitors, he discovered the comforting truth that God was faithfully by his side (2 Timothy 4:17).

No matter the season we find ourselves in, let us offer heartfelt gratitude to God for His immense greatness, unwavering assistance, and constant companionship. In every appointed time, let us acknowledge that God allows circumstances in our lives for a purpose. May we use this current season to deepen our trust in Him, recognizing His care and guidance.


Burning Question:

What new season of life are you about to enter?

Bible Quiz:

Question: Who did Noah say would dwell in the tents of Shem?

Answer: Japheth Genesis 9:27

Storytime: She cried on my shoulder.

Just one More thing

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