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Morning Devotional:

When did you experience your deepest sense of solitude? For me, it was during my radio internship at a missionary station in Alaska. I found myself amidst a staff of only three people in a town of merely three hundred residents. I felt completely isolated, not knowing a single soul. To combat the loneliness, I set a goal to write a letter each day. I also joined a local choir and played basketball at the gym, actively seeking out opportunities to engage with people. Despite my efforts, however, it remained a profoundly lonely period in my life.

The compassionate heart of Jesus extends to those who find themselves alone.  He deeply cares for those residing in nursing homes, for individuals living by themselves, and for those facing various challenges in their search for friendship.

In our own neighborhoods, there might be someone longing for the warmth of a true friend. Perhaps a coworker is in need of a place to celebrate a holiday. 

Don’t wait.   Let’s open our eyes and look around. Let us be willing to step out of our comfort zones and seek out those who are struggling by themselves.


Burning Question:

What did you do when you were at your loneliest?

Bible Quiz:

Question: Who removed the massive doors from the gate of Gasa and carried them to a hill in Hebron?

Answer: Samson Judges 16:3

Storytime: There is never too much Cheese

Just one more thing

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