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Morning Devotional:

If there is any situation that proves to me there is power in the name of Jesus, it would have to be the story of a home invasion that took place in Florida.

A woman was hosting a jewelry party in Florida when an armed gunman charged into her house and demanded money and valuables from her and her guests. Knowing the danger, the hostess stood up to the robber and said, “In the name of Jesus, get out.”  The robber persisted but so did the hostess – and her guests followed suit. Soon all of the partygoers were calling on the name of the Lord, prompting the would-be robber to flee the home.  He proceeded to try and steal a bicycle from a woman in the street, who ended up doing the very same thing, declaring “in the name of Jesus, go away!”  Needless to say, the robber’s plans were thwarted.

There is definitely power in the name of Jesus. We read in James 2:19 that demons tremble at the knowledge of the one true God, and in Luke 10:17, they are rendered powerless because of Jesus’ name  There is power in Jesus’ name – and salvation, too.  Don’t be afraid to call on His name today!

– Beth

Burning Question:

I am so grateful that my Dad told me about ______.

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In Jesus’ parable about houses, who had a house that collapsed when the rains came?

Storytime: Mom was the CEO of our family, until she wasn’t.

Just One More Thing

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